As someone who loves efficiency, I couldn't help but notice
the roundabout route the river takes on its way to the ocean. It curves around
rocks in big, horseshoe-like shapes and winds down canyons, over rocks, and
through dams. And as far as we know, the river doesn't put up a fuss. It
chooses to go around the things it couldn't go straight through and has kept
moving despite hundreds of extra miles it takes to reach its destination had it
been on a more express route. Staring out at it all, I could see the parallels
to life. There have been times where I wanted to skip B, C, and D in order to
get somewhere a little faster (both in literal and figurative journeys). I
complained about unneeded loops, and I grumbled at the extra distance. But,
like the river, I need to simply go around that which I can't go through and
gracefully accept a new route if my persistent efforts with one don't lead me
somewhere. And, most importantly, I need to remember that no matter the length
of the journey, the destination is the same.
So here's to looking up, admiring the view, thanking the
deep blue sky, and moving on down the river.
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